Founded in 2015, we’re a professional tutoring service that’s proud to offer our services to clients on-site throughout the Milton community and the surrounding areas, or online through virtual tutoring. Great service begins and ends with experienced and friendly professionals, which is why we put so much consideration into selecting the best people to join our team of tutors. We aim to not only meet your needs, but also exceed your expectations of what a dependable tutoring service can be. We take a personal interest in and work hard for your child's success.
We provide one-on-one private tutoring services with flexible scheduling and no contracts. By increasing subject-confidence, improving test-taking skills, and helping students boost their scores, we've proudly helped hundreds of students succeed. HiFive has proudly conducted 2,000+ successful lessons! Our testimonials speak for themselves.
We offer tutoring for standardized exam (SAT/PSAT/ACT/11+/GCSE/OC) preparation, and K-12 core academic subjects, including TAG, On-level, Honors, Accelerated, AP, IB, and other International Curriculums. We also tutor college-level mathematics (Linear Algebra, Multivariable Calculus, Discrete Mathematics).
Our tutors are required to have proven excellence academically in the subject they are tutoring and in teaching through an in-depth selection and on-boarding process. We hire the best tutors to uphold our 100% satisfaction rate; many of them attend ivy-league schools, earned perfect exam scores, and are in the top 1% of their class!
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